This program is for both men and women.

On many occasions, as a professional, you will face difficulties where stress, pressure and self-demand prevent you from giving your best and being as efficient as you would like to be.

Coaching develops the leadership skills that we all have, thus achieving measurable results.


  • Clarify your needs, goals and priorities
  • Define and visualize your goal
  • Identify your resources, strengths and values
  • Detect the external and internal obstacles that limit you (fears, beliefs, etc.) and overcome them
  • Generate effective conversations and relationships at work
  • Explore the different options to reach your goals
  • Develop a strategy and an action plan

We will help you to:

  • Increase the performance of your tasks
  • Align the interests of the manager with those of the business and maximize the performance of the manager’s objectives
  • Conflict management and decision making
  • Personal management, team management and teamwork
  • Stress and emotion management
  • Time management and planning
  • Assertiveness and effective communication
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Personal and professional leadership
  • Learn how to say NO
  • Social intelligence (interpersonal relationships)

Benefit for companies:

  • Assist in the allocation of promotions or positions within management.
  • Loyalty to the company’s talent.
  • Improve staff capabilities.
  • Promote creativity and innovation in teams.
  • Boost the company’s results.

Each company has specific needs and a unique team.

For this reason, we make personalized plans where we combine individual sessions with a Master Class and electronic support material.